Save the Date takes a segment of EVENT MARKETING without actually getting involved in managing parties, business seminars, expos and other relevant special events that are going on around you. Sending out a "Save the Date" promotes you as someone IN-THE-KNOW.
To be a successful networker, you must enact a public responsibility to be a helpful resource. By simply putting together a list of events that may interest you, you are saying "this could be good for you!" Meanwhile, the recycled information about events helps the venues that you are referring while making you the HERO of the day to your friends. This maintains your public presence with your list without being a pest. This also makes you stay current with people in correspondence.
To produce a Save-the-Date mailer is quite simple. With a little bit of research, you can take pre-existing information and recycle them into a neat, one-page format to bring people to useful business events that they may (or may not) want to attend. You as a publisher create the types of events to recommend purely based on what you think is a good event. Sharing the events info into a mini calendar announcement is useful info for many - and they'll THANK YOU FOR IT!
The term "eye time" comes from the world of advertising. Like ads in the subway walls or banners in a baseball field, sending out a SAVE THE DAY mailer buys you an opportunity to catch people's eye. This becomes an opportunity to post BANNER ADVERTISING of your business or practice. Save the Day mailers are friendly enough email that people will want to open and are truly helpful. Because you have just performed a PUBLIC SERVICE by passing around good events for people to attend, you have also just bought yourself the right to self promote. This makes you the SPONSOR.

2) BRAND your mailer: important when they pass it around- and it is a self-promo rule.
3) Clean, concise CONTENT: Must be straightforward, not too wordy and helpful.
4) YOUR BANNER AD: be tasteful when inserting this- not too big and not imposing.
(click this image if you wish to read it bigger)
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Special thanks and photo submission by: SWAP THE BIZ
Excellent advice! With all the holiday events that are coming upon us fast, this is a prime opportunity to take advantage of them and use the ones that are most beneficial individually and use them as a means to create presence and credibility with colleagues.